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01-01-1970 | 2045 lượt xem

1. Son, T. T., Le Minh, H., Sexton, G., & Aslam, N. (2014). A novel encounter-based metric for mobile ad-hoc networks routing. Ad Hoc Networks14, 2-14.

2. Son, T. T., Le Minh, H., Sexton, G., & Aslam, N. (2015). Self-adaptive proactive routing scheme for mobile ad-hoc networks. IET Networks4(2), 128-136.

3. Son, T. T., Le Minh, H., Sexton, G., Aslam, N., & Ghassemlooy, Z. (2013, September). Bayesian model for mobility prediction to support routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. In 2013 IEEE 24th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC) (pp. 3186-3190). IEEE.

4. Son, T. T., Le Minh, H., Sexton, G., Aslam, N., & Boubezari, R. (2014, July). A new mobility, energy and congestion aware routing scheme for MANETs. In 2014 9th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Sign (CSNDSP) (pp. 771-775). IEEE.

5. Son, T. T., Le-Minh, H., & Aslam, N. (2016). MSAR: A metric self-adaptive routing model for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. Journal of Network and Computer Applications68, 114-125.

6. Son, T. T., Le-Minh, H., Mousa, F., Ghassemlooy, Z., & Van Tuan, N. (2015, December). Adaptive correction model for indoor MIMO VLC using positioning technique with node knowledge. In 2015 International Conference on Communications, Management and Telecommunications (ComManTel) (pp. 94-98). IEEE.

7. Son, T. T., Le Minh, H., Sexton, G., & Aslam, N. (2012, July). Investigation of the impact of hop-count and node density on MANETs performance. In 2012 8th International Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks & Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP) (pp. 1-4). IEEE.

8. Son, T. T., Burton, A., Le-Minh, H., & Hien, D. Q. (2019, April). Experimental study of pc-to-pc over a visible light channel using li-fi usb dongle. In 2019 26th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT) (pp. 215-219). IEEE.

9. Son, T. T., Le Minh, H., Sexton, G., & Aslam, N. (2012, April). Bayesian Classifier model for reactive routing improvement in mobile ad-hoc networks. In Wireless Telecommunications Symposium 2012 (pp. 1-4). IEEE.

10. Nguyen, V. A. Q., & Yoo, M. (2015). Packet loss compensation for control systems over industrial wireless sensor networks. International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks11(8), 256757.

11. Nguyen, V. (2017). Study on realtime control system in IoT based smart factory: Interference awareness, architectural elements, and its application. In 2017 Seventh International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST) (pp. 25-28).

12. Quang, N. V. A., & Yoo, M. (2014, October). Performance analysis of packet loss on wireless network control systems. In 2014 International Conference on Information and Communication Technology Convergence (ICTC) (pp. 185-186). IEEE.

13. Quang, N. V. A., & Yoo, M. (2014). Performance Analysis of Packet Loss Impact on Scheduling in Wireless Real-Time Control System using Matlab/Simulink. International Information Institute (Tokyo). Information17(4), 1495.

14. Nguyen, V. A. Q., & Tran, T. T. V. (2020). Interference Analysis in Cognitive Wireless Sensor Network Based Smart Factory.

15. Ai, D. H., & Trung, H. D. (2016, March). Pointing error effects on performance of amplify-and-forward relaying MIMO/FSO systems using SC-QAM signals over log-normal atmospheric turbulence channels. In Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (pp. 607-619). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

16. Ai, D. H., & Trung, H. D. (2016, September). AF relay-assisted MIMO/FSO/QAM systems in gamma-gamma fading channels. In 2016 3rd National Foundation for Science and Technology Development Conference on Information and Computer Science (NICS) (pp. 147-152). IEEE.

17. Ai, D. H., Quang, D. T., Nam, N. N., Trung, H. D., & Dung, N. X. (2017, April). Capacity analysis of amplify-and-forward free-space optical communication systems over atmospheric turbulence channels. In 2017 Seventh International Conference on Information Science and Technology (ICIST) (pp. 103-108). IEEE.

18. Trung, H. D., Ai, D. H., & Pham, A. T. (2015). Average channel capacity of free-space optical MIMO systems over atmospheric turbulence channels. ASEAN Engineering Journal5(2), 57-66.

19. Ai, Duong Huu. "Average channel capacity of amplify-and-forward MIMO/FSO systems over atmospheric turbulence channels." International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 8.6 (2018): 4334-4342.

20. Ai, D. H., Trung, H. D., & Tuan, D. T. (2020). On the ASER performance of amplify-and-forward relaying MIMO/FSO systems using SC-QAM signals over log-normal and gamma-gamma atmospheric turbulence channels and pointing error impairments. Journal of Information and Telecommunication4(3), 267-281.

21. Ai, D. H., & Trung, H. D. (2016, March). Pointing error effects on performance of amplify-and-forward relaying MIMO/FSO systems using SC-QAM signals over log-normal atmospheric turbulence channels. In Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (pp. 607-619). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

22. Ai, D. H., & LoiNguyen, V. (2019). BER analysis of amplify-and-forward relaying FSO systems using APD receiver over strong atmospheric turbulencechannels. International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)9(5), 3678-3686.

23. Vuong, D., & Yoo, M. (2018). Interpixel interference mitigation in visible light communication using image sensor. IEEE Access6, 45543-45551.

24. Do, T. H., Tran, D. K., Hoang, D. Q., Vuong, D., Hoang, T. M., Dao, N. N., ... & Cho, S. (2021, January). A Novel Algorithm for Estimating Fast-Moving Vehicle Speed in Intelligent Transport Systems. In 2021 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN) (pp. 499-503). IEEE.

25. D. Vuong, N. Ha-Van, T.T. Son "Wideband and High-Gain Aperture Coupled Feed Patch Array Antenna for Millimeter-Wave Application", Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal, vol. 5, no. 5, pp. 559-562 (2020).

26. Vuong, C. D., Le, T. T. V., Phan, T. L. A., Nguyen, T. H. T., & Do, T. H. (2020). Adaptive Multiple Thresholds Base on Canny Edge Detection of an LED Taillight in Vehicular Visible Light Communication Using Image Sensor.

27. Vuong, Dat, et al. "Interpixel interference mitigation using differential coding in vehicular visible light communication based image sensor." 2018 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN). IEEE, 2018.

28. Dang, Q. H., & Yoo, M. (2017). Handover procedure and algorithm in vehicle to infrastructure visible light communication. IEEE Access5, 26466-26475.

29. Hien, D. Q., & Yoo, M. (2017, January). Handover in outdoor visible light communication system. In 2017 International Conference on Information Networking (ICOIN) (pp. 67-69). IEEE.

30. Dang, Q. H. (2017). Probabilistic Handover Scheme for Vehicular Visible Light Communication System.

31. Anh, P. T. L., & Yoo, M. (2020). Performance Evaluation of Optical Camera Communication System Using Two-Dimensional Coding.

32. Duc, H. H., & Jung, K. (2017). Applying tensorflow with convolutional neural networks to train data and recognize national flags. In Advanced Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering (pp. 367-373). Springer, Singapore.

33. Duc, H. H., Jihoon, L., & Keechul, J. (2016). Suggesting moving positions in go-game with convolutional neural networks trained data. Int J Hybrid Inf Technol9(4), 51-58.

34. Phan, Viet Hoang, Duy Khanh Ninh, and Chi Khanh Ninh. "An Effective Vector Representation of Facebook Fan Pages and Its Applications." International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence. Springer, Cham, 2020.

35. Ninh, Khánh Chi, and Khánh Duy Ninh. "Chuẩn hóa văn bản tiếng Việt dựa trên bộ quy tắc." (2017).

36. Phan, T. Q. H. (2019). Nâng cao chất lượng hệ thống Mimo đa người dùng bằng các phương pháp cải tiến kỹ thuật tiền mã hóa Block Diagonalization.

37. Phan, T. Q. H. (2017). Kỹ thuật tiền mã hóa trong hệ thống MIMO đa người dùng.

38. Phan, T. Q. H. (2014). Nghiên cứu sử dụng hiệu quả thông tin kênh truyền trong truyền dẫn MIMO đa người dùng.

39. Nguyen, V., Nguyen, G. T., Gabriel, F., Lucani, D. E., & Fitzek, F. H. (2018, May). Integrating sparsity into Fulcrum codes: Investigating throughput, complexity and overhead. In 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops (ICC Workshops) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

40. Nguyen, V., Tasdemir, E., Nguyen, G. T., Lucani, D. E., Fitzek, F. H., & Reisslein, M. (2020). DSEP fulcrum: Dynamic sparsity and expansion packets for fulcrum network coding. Ieee Access8, 78293-78314.

41. Nguyen, V., Cabrera, J. A., Nguyen, G. T., Gabriel, F., Lehmann, C., Mudriievskyi, S., & Fitzek, F. H. (2018, November). Adaptive decoding for fulcrum codes. In 2018 IEEE 9th Annual Information Technology, Electronics and Mobile Communication Conference (IEMCON) (pp. 133-139). IEEE.

42. Nguyen, V., Tasdemir, E., Nguyen, G. T., Lucani, D. E., & Fitzek, F. H. (2019, May). Tunable expansion packets for fulcrum codes. In European Wireless 2019; 25th European Wireless Conference (pp. 1-7). VDE.

43. Nguyen, V., Cabrera, J. A., You, D., Salah, H., Nguyen, G. T., & Fitzek, F. H. (2019). Advanced adaptive decoder using fulcrum network codes. IEEE Access7, 141648-141661.

44. Nguyen, V., Cabrera, J. A., Nguyen, G. T., You, D., & Fitzek, F. H. (2020). Versatile Network Codes: Energy Consumption in Heterogeneous IoT Devices. IEEE Access8, 168219-168228.

45. Nguyen, V., Cabrera, J. A., Pandi, S., Nguyen, G. T., & Fitzek, F. H. (2020, December). Exploring the Benefits of Memory-Limited Fulcrum Recoding for Heterogeneous Nodes. In GLOBECOM 2020-2020 IEEE Global Communications Conference (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

46. You, D., Doan, T. V., Torre, R., Mehrabi, M., Kropp, A., Nguyen, V., ... & Fitzek, F. H. (2019). Fog computing as an enabler for immersive media: Service scenarios and research opportunities. IEEE Access7, 65797-65810.

47. Lucani, D. E., Pedersen, M. V., Ruano, D., Sørensen, C. W., Fitzek, F. H., Heide, J., ... & Reisslein, M. (2018). Fulcrum: Flexible network coding for heterogeneous devices. Ieee Access6, 77890-77910.

48. Hung, H. B., Thanh, V. D., Vu, N., & Le-Minh, H. (2016, March). Fuzzy inference system for mobility prediction to control HELLO broadcasting in MANET. In Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems (pp. 39-50). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

49. Than, P. H., Uchida, K., & Nozaki, S. (2015). Effects of electrical stress on the InGaP/GaAs heterojunction phototransistor. IEEE transactions on device and materials reliability15(4), 604-609.

50. Than, P. H., Uchida, K., Makino, T., Ohshima, T., & Nozaki, S. (2016). InGaP/GaAs heterojunction photosensor powered by an on-chip GaAs solar cell for energy harvesting. Japanese Journal of Applied Physics55(4S), 04ES09.

51. Hoang, T. T., Duran, C., Nguyen, K. D., Dang, T. K., Nhu, Q. N. Q., Than, P. H., ... & Pham, C. K. (2020). Low-power high-performance 32-bit RISC-V microcontroller on 65-nm silicon-on-thin-BOX (SOTB). IEICE Electronics Express, 17-20200282.

52. Than, P. H., Uchida, K., Makino, T., Ohshima, T., & Nozaki, S. (2015). Effects of Electrical Stress and High-Energy Electron Irradiation on the InGaP/GaAs Heterojunction Phototransistor. MRS Online Proceedings Library1792(1), 1-7..

53. Phuc, Than Hong. "Effects of High-Energy Electron Irradiation on the InGaP/GaAs Heterojunction Photosensor Powered by an On-Chip GaAs Solar Cell for Energy Harvesting." 2020 International Conference on Advanced Technologies for Communications (ATC). IEEE, 2020.

54. Kamimura, T., Nakata, Y., Wong, M. H., Than, P. H., & Higashiwaki, M. (2019, May). Nitrogen-Doped Channel $eta $-Ga 2 O 3 MOSFET with Normally-Off Operation. In 2019 Compound Semiconductor Week (CSW) (pp. 1-1). IEEE.

55. Tran, Tra-Vinh. "Analysis of packet loss on scheduling over wireless real-time control system." 2017 seventh international conference on information science and technology (ICIST). IEEE, 2017.


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